Becoming A Rainbow Girl
The International Order of the Rainbow for Girls (IORG) is a youth group for girls between the ages of 7 to 10 years for a Pledge, and between 10 to 20 years for a Rainbow girl. Local groups (Assemblies) are sponsored by Masonic Lodges, Eastern Star Chapters or Order Of The Amaranth Courts. The girls learn about charity, hope, and service through their work and involvement with local service projects.
On April 6, 1922, the degrees of the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls were first exemplified on a class of one hundred and seventy one girls in the auditorium of the Scottish Rite Temple in McAlester, Oklahoma. If you would like to know more about the history of the Order, the Supreme Temple or the founder, visit the Supreme Assembly website at
The first Assembly in the state of New South Wales was Sydney No. 1, established on 26th April, 1930 and the first Assembly in South Australia was Adelaide No.57 established in October 1953.
Our first Supreme Deputy and Founder in Australia was Mrs Frances Livermore who was a member of Croydon Park Chapter. Mrs Livermore had read about Rainbow and asked her Chapter to sponsor the first Assembly.
The first Grand Assembly was the Grand Assembly of the Commonwealth of Australia and was held in 1940 in Sydney where Miss Beryl Smith was the first Grand Worthy Advisor.
Become A Rainbow Girl